Writing Essays About Literature
This book gives students an answer to the question, "What does my professor want from this essay?" In lively, direct language, it explains the process of creating "a clearly-written argument, based on evidence, about the meaning, power, or structure of a literary work." Using a single poem by William Carlos Williams as the basis for the process of writing a paper about a piece of literature, it walks students through the processes of reading, brainstorming, researching secondary sources, gathering evidence, and composing and editing the paper. It is designed to strengthen argumentation skills and understanding of the relationships between the reader, the author, the text, and critical interpretations. Its lessons about clarity, precision, and the importance of providing evidence will have wide relevance for student writers.
Katherine O. Acheson
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter One: The Purpose
of an
About Literature
Katherine O. Acheson
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Two: Research
Within the Text
Katherine O. Acheson
16 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Three: Using
Reference Works
Katherine O. Acheson
19 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Four: Research
Social and
Historical Contexts
Katherine O. Acheson
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Five: Research
About the Current
Critical Assessment of
Literary Works
Katherine O. Acheson
14 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Six: Inventing
Your Argument
Katherine O. Acheson
12 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Seven: Composing Your
Katherine O. Acheson
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Eight: Writing the Body
of the Essay
Katherine O. Acheson
9 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Nine: Editing
and Proofreading
Your Essay
Katherine O. Acheson
19 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Ten: Documenting Your
Sources and Presenting
Your Work
Katherine O. Acheson
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Chapter Eleven: The Process of Essay Writing--A Summary
Katherine O. Acheson
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Works Cited
Katherine O. Acheson
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Subject Index
Katherine O. Acheson
7 pages @ $0.12/page