The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Poetry – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many other such anthologies, it includes literary non-fiction as well as poetry, short fiction, and drama. In each genre the anthology includes a vibrant mix of classic and contemporary works. Each work is accompanied by an introductory headnote and by explanatory notes, and each genre is prefaced by a substantial introduction. Companion websites include genre-specific quizzes and discussion questions for students and instructors. Pedagogically current and uncommon in its breadth of representation, The Broadview Introduction to Literature invites students into the world of literary study in a truly distinctive way. The second edition of The Broadview Anthology of Literature: Short Fiction includes new stories by Haruki Murakami, Octavia Butler, Lynn Coady, Leeanne Betasamosake Simpson, and more.
The Study of Literature: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
12 pages @ $0.12/page
Poetry: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
26 pages @ $0.12/page
The Exeter Book: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Wife’s Lament & Exeter Book Riddles
Exeter Book
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Geoffrey Chaucer: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
To Rosemounde
Geoffrey Chaucer
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas Wyatt: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
[The long love that in my thought doth harbour]; [They flee from me that sometime did me seek]; [Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind]
Sir Thomas Wyatt
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
from Amoretti
Edmund Spenser
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Walter Ralegh: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd
Sir Walter Ralegh
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Christopher Marlowe: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Christopher Marlowe
2 pages @ $0.12/page
William Shakespeare: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
William Shakespeare
3 pages @ $0.12/page
John Donne: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Flea & from Holy Sonnets
John Donne
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Herrick: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Delight in Disorder
Robert Herrick
2 pages @ $0.12/page
George Herbert: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Altar; Easter Wings
George Herbert
2 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
On Shakespeare; [When I consider how my light is spent]
John Milton
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Anne Bradstreet: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Author to Her Book
Anne Bradstreet
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Andrew Marvell: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Garden; To His Coy Mistress
Andrew Marvell
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Alexander Pope: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
from An Essay on Criticism; The Rape of the Lock An Heroi-Comical Poem in Five Cantos
Alexander Pope
28 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Gray: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Thomas Gray
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Anna Laetitia Barbauld: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Caterpillar
Anna Laetitia Barbauld
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Phillis Wheatley: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
On Being Brought from Africa to America
Phillis Wheatley
1 pages @ $0.12/page
William Blake: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
from Songs of Innocence; from Songs of Experience
William Blake
6 pages @ $0.12/page
William Wordsworth: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey; [The world is too much with us]
William Wordsworth
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Frost at Midnight; Kubla Khan
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Ozymandias; Ode to the West Wind
Percy Bysshe Shelley
5 pages @ $0.12/page
John Keats: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be; La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad; Ode to a Nightingale; Ode on a Grecian Urn; To Autumn
John Keats
9 pages @ $0.12/page
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
from Sonnets from the Portuguese
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Edgar Allan Poe: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Lady Of Shallott; Ulysses; The Charge of the Light Brigade
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
11 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Browning: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Porphyria’s Lover; My Last Duchess
Robert Browning
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Emily Brontë: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
[Ah! why, because the dazzling sun]; [No coward soul is mine]; [Often rebuked, yet always back returning]; [I’ll come when thou art saddest]
Emily Brontë
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Walt Whitman: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
from Song of Myself; I Hear America Singing; When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
Walt Whitman
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Matthew Arnold: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Dover Beach
Matthew Arnold
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Emily Dickinson: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
249; 288; 341; 465; 712; 754; 1129 (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
Emily Dickinson
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Christina Rossetti: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Goblin Market
Christina Rossetti
17 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Hardy: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Darkling Thrush; The Convergence of the Twain
Thomas Hardy
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Gerard Manley Hopkins: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
God’s Grandeur; The Windhover
Gerard Manley Hopkins
2 pages @ $0.12/page
W.B. Yeats: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Easter 1916; The Second Coming; Leda and the Swan; Sailing to Byzantium (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
W.B. Yeats
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Paul Laurence Dunbar: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
We Wear the Mask
Paul Laurence Dunbar
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Frost: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Road Not Taken; Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening; Design (For copyright reasons, this title is only available in Canada)
Robert Frost
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Wallace Stevens: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird; Anecdote of the Jar
Wallace Stevens
4 pages @ $0.12/page
William Carlos Williams: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Red Wheelbarrow; Spring and All; This Is Just to Say (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
William Carlos Williams
3 pages @ $0.12/page
T.S. Eliot: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock; Journey of the Magi (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
T.S. Eliot
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Edna St. Vincent Millay: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
[I, being born a woman and distressed]; [What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Wilfred Owen: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Anthem for Doomed Youth; Dulce et Decorum Est
Wilfred Owen
2 pages @ $0.12/page
E.E. Cummings: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
[in Just-]; [(ponder,darling,these busted statues]; [somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond]; anyone lived in a pretty how town; [l(a]
E.E. Cummings
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Theodore Roethke: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
My Papa’s Waltz; I Knew a Woman (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
Theodore Roethke
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Dylan Thomas: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower; Fern Hill; Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Dylan Thomas
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Sylvia Plath: Introduction
Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, & Paul Lumsden (Editors)
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Daddy; Lady Lazarus (For copyright reasons, these titles are only available in Canada)
Sylvia Plath
6 pages @ $0.12/page