The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 2: The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century - Third Edition
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations throughout, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials, offering additional perspectives both on individual texts and on larger social and cultural developments. Innovative, authoritative, and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature embodies a consistently fresh approach to the study of literature and literary history. For the third edition of this volume a considerable number of changes have been made. Newly prepared, for example, is a substantial selection from Baldassare Castiglione The Courtier, presented in Thomas Hoby influential early modern English translation. Thomas Kyd The Spanish Tragedy is another major addition. Also new to the anthology are excerpts from Thomas Dekker plague pamphlets. We have considerably expanded our representation of Elizabeth I writings and speeches, as well as providing several more cantos from Edmund Spenser Faerie Queene and adding selections from Sir Philip Sidney Arcadia. We have broadened our coverage, too, to include substantial selections of Irish, Gaelic Scottish, and Welsh literature. (Perhaps most notable of the numerous authors in this section are two extraordinary Welsh poets, Dafydd ap Gwilym and Gwerful Mechain.) Mary Sidney Herbert writings now appear in the bound book instead of on the companion website. Margaret Cavendish, previously included in volume 3 of the full anthology, will now also be included in this volume; we have added a number of her poems, with an emphasis on those with scientific themes. The edition features two new Contexts sections: a sampling of “Tudor and Stuart Humor,” and a section on “Levellers, Diggers, Ranters, and Covenanters.” New materials on emblem books and on manuscript culture have also been added to the “Culture: A Portfolio” contexts section.
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century – Table of Contents
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
26 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century – Editorial Preface
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
8 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century – Acknowledgements
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Introduction to the Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
64 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century – History of the Language and of Print Culture
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
3 pages @ $0.12/page
John Skelton: Introduction
John Skelton
2 pages @ $0.12/page
John Skelton: Selected Poems
John Skelton
10 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas More: Introduction
Sir Thomas More
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas More: Utopia
Sir Thomas More
56 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas More: In Context
Sir Thomas More
4 pages @ $0.12/page
William Tyndale: Introduction
William Tyndale
3 pages @ $0.12/page
William Tyndale: Comparative Selections from Tyndale's English Bible
William Tyndale
11 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century Contexts: Religion and Devotional Life
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
26 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas Wyatt: Introduction
Sir Thomas Wyatt
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Thomas Wyatt: Selected Poems
Sir Thomas Wyatt
8 pages @ $0.12/page
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey: Introduction
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey: Selected Poems
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
4 pages @ $0.12/page
The Elizabethan Sonnet and Lyric: Selected Poems
Select Authors, Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
10 pages @ $0.12/page
Literature in Ireland, Gaelic Scotland, and Wales Introduction
Select Authors, Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Literature in Ireland, Gaelic Scotland, and Wales
Select Authors, Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
27 pages @ $0.12/page
Baldassare Castiglione and Thomas Hoby: Introduction
Baldassare Castiglione and Thomas Hoby
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Baldassare Castiglione and Thomas Hoby: from The Courtier
Baldassare Castiglione and Thomas Hoby
15 pages @ $0.12/page
Lady Jane Grey: Introduction
Lady Jane Grey
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Lady Jane Grey: Selected Letters and In Context Reading
Lady Jane Grey
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: Introduction
Edmund Spenser
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: from The Faerie Queene
Edmund Spenser
122 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: Letter to Sir Walter Ralegh on The Faerie Queene
Edmund Spenser
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: In Context Readings
Edmund Spenser
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: from Amoretti
Edmund Spenser
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Edmund Spenser: from Epithalamion
Edmund Spenser
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: Introduction
Sir Philip Sidney
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: from Astrophil and Stella
Sir Philip Sidney
10 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: The Defense of Poesy
Sir Philip Sidney
29 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: In Context Reading on The Abuse of Poetry
Sir Philip Sidney
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: from The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia
Sir Philip Sidney
15 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Philip Sidney: In Context Material on An Emblem Honoring Sir Philip Sidney
Sir Philip Sidney
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke: Introduction
Mary Sidney Herbert
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke: Selected Readings
Mary Sidney Herbert
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Elizabeth I, Queen of England: Introduction
Queen Elizabeth I
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Elizabeth I, Queen of England: Selected Readings
Queen Elizabeth I
18 pages @ $0.12/page
Elizabeth I, Queen of England: In Context
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
2 pages @ $0.12/page
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Contexts: Elizabethan Culture: A Portfolio
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
24 pages @ $0.12/page
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots: Introduction
Mary Stuart
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots: Selected Poems and Letters
Mary Stuart
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Aemilia Lanyer: Introduction
Aemilia Lanyer
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Aemilia Lanyer: Selected Readings
Aemilia Lanyer
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Walter Ralegh: Introduction
Sir Walter Ralegh
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Walter Ralegh: Selected Poems
Sir Walter Ralegh
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Walter Ralegh: from The Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana
Sir Walter Ralegh
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Sir Walter Ralegh: Letter to His Wife
Sir Walter Ralegh
2 pages @ $0.12/page
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century Contexts: Other Lands, Other Cultures
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
30 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Kyd: Introduction
Thomas Kyd
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy
Thomas Kyd
55 pages @ $0.12/page
Francis Bacon: Introduction
Francis Bacon
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Francis Bacon: from Essays
Francis Bacon
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Southwell: Introduction
Robert Southwell
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Southwell: Selected Poems
Robert Southwell
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Christopher Marlowe: Introduction
Christopher Marlowe
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Christopher Marlowe: Hero and Leander and The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Christopher Marlowe
12 pages @ $0.12/page
Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus
Christopher Marlowe
30 pages @ $0.12/page
Christopher Marlowe: Doctor Faustus In Context
Christopher Marlowe
5 pages @ $0.12/page
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century Contexts: Tudor and Stuart Humor
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
21 pages @ $0.12/page
William Shakespeare: Introduction
William Shakespeare
5 pages @ $0.12/page
William Shakespeare: Venus and Adonis and In Context Readings
William Shakespeare
24 pages @ $0.12/page
William Shakespeare: Selected Sonnets
William Shakespeare
15 pages @ $0.12/page
Isabella Whitney: Selected Poems
Isabella Whitney
13 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century Contexts: "Unconstant Women, " "Excellent Women": A 17thC Debate
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Ben Jonson: Introduction
Ben Jonson
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Ben Jonson: Selected Poems
Ben Jonson
11 pages @ $0.12/page
Ben Jonson: Valpone; or, The Fox and In Context Readings
Ben Jonson
68 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Dekker: Introduction
Thomas Dekker
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Dekker: from The Wonderful Year, Wherein Is Showed the Picture of London, Lying Sick of the Plague
Thomas Dekker
9 pages @ $0.12/page
John Donne: Introduction
John Donne
2 pages @ $0.12/page
John Donne: Selections from Songs and Sonnets, Elegies, Satires, and Verse Letters
John Donne
21 pages @ $0.12/page
John Donne: Selections from The Holy Sonnets, Good Friday, and Devotions
John Donne
7 pages @ $0.12/page
John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi
John Webster
53 pages @ $0.12/page
Lady Mary Wroth: Introduction
Lady Mary Wroth
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Lady Mary Wroth: Selected Poems and In Context Readings
Lady Mary Wroth
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Hobbes: Introduction
Thomas Hobbes
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Thomas Hobbes: from Leviathan
Thomas Hobbes
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Herrick: Introduction
Robert Herrick
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Robert Herrick: Selected Poems
Robert Herrick
5 pages @ $0.12/page
George Herbert: Selected Poems
George Herbert
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Andrew Marvell: Selected Poems
Andrew Marvell
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Margaret Cavendish: Introduction
Margaret Cavendish
3 pages @ $0.12/page
Margaret Cavendish: Selected Poems
Margaret Cavendish
10 pages @ $0.12/page
Katherine Philips: Selected Poems
Katherine Philips
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Royalist and "Cavalier" Poetry
Cavalier Poets
16 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: Introduction
John Milton
3 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: Selected Early Poems
John Milton
12 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: from Aeropagitica
John Milton
9 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: Paradise Lost and In Context Materials
John Milton
92 pages @ $0.12/page
John Milton: Samson Agonistes and In Context Materials
John Milton
31 pages @ $0.12/page
The Renaissance and the Early Seventeenth Century Contexts: Levellers, Diggers, Ranters and Covenanters
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
21 pages @ $0.12/page
Reading Poetry
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
20 pages @ $0.12/page
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
4 pages @ $0.12/page
Monarchs and Prime Ministers
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Glossary of Terms
Joseph Black, et al. (editors)
23 pages @ $0.12/page