Native American Writiting and Indigenous Literature
Guided by the latest scholarship in American literary studies, and deeply committed to inclusiveness, social responsibility, and rigorous contextualization, The Broadview Anthology of American Literature balances representation of widely agreed-upon major works with a thoroughgoing reassessment of the canon that emphasizes American literature
Indigenous North American Cultures
and Literatures from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
14 pages @ $0.10/page
Indigenous Oral and Visual Literatures, from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
50 pages @ $0.10/page
Canassatego from Speech at Lancaster 26 June 1744 from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
9 pages @ $0.10/page
Sagoyewatha Reply to the Missionary Jacob Cram from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
5 pages @ $0.10/page
Samson Occom Autobiographical Narrative and from A Sermon, Preached at the Execution
of Moses Paul an Indian and others from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
14 pages @ $0.10/page
Tecumseh Speech to William Henry Harrison and Speech to the Osages from Vol A
Spires et. Al.
8 pages @ $0.10/page
William Apess An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
20 pages @ $0.10/page
Nature and the Environment, from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
41 pages @ $0.10/page
Jane Johnston Schoolcraft /
Bamewawagezhikaquay To the Pine Tree By an Ojibwa Female Pen and other poems from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
12 pages @ $0.10/page
Expansion, Native American Expulsion, and “Manifest Destiny” contexts, from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
30 pages @ $0.10/page
Mà-ka-tai-me-she-kià-kiàk / Black Hawk, from Life of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak, or Black Hawk from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
13 pages @ $0.10/page
Elias Boudinot / Gallegina An Address to the Whites from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
11 pages @ $0.10/page
Nineteenth-Century Oratory, from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
6 pages @ $0.10/page
John Rollin Ridge / Yellow Bird from The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta from Vol B
Spires et. Al.
21 pages @ $0.10/page