Academic Writing: An Introduction - Third Edition
Academic Writing has been widely acclaimed in all its editions as a superb textbook—and an important contribution to the pedagogy of introducing students to the conventions of academic writing. The book seeks to introduce student readers to the lively community of research and writing beyond the classroom, with its complex interactions, values, and goals. It presents writing from a range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, cultivating students’ awareness of the subtle differences in genre. This new edition has been revised throughout and contains many new exercises, updated examples, a new section on research proposals, and wider disciplinary coverage. The organization of the book has also been revised to better fit with the timeline of most teaching terms.
Making Knowledge
Janet Giltrow et al
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Method Sections
Janet Giltrow et al
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Qualitative Method and Subject Position
Janet Giltrow et al
7 pages @ $0.12/page
Making and Maintaining Knowledge II
Janet Giltrow et al
1 pages @ $0.12/page
Janet Giltrow et al
5 pages @ $0.12/page
Other Markers of the Status of Knowledge
Janet Giltrow et al
11 pages @ $0.12/page
Tense and the Story of Research
Janet Giltrow et al
8 pages @ $0.12/page
Conclusions and the Moral Compass of the Disciplines
Janet Giltrow et al
2 pages @ $0.12/page
Janet Giltrow et al
9 pages @ $0.12/page
The Moral Compass of the Disciplines: Research Ethics
Janet Giltrow et al
5 pages @ $0.12/page
The Moral Compass of the Disciplines: Moral Statements
Janet Giltrow et al
6 pages @ $0.12/page
Janet Giltrow et al
13 pages @ $0.12/page
Janet Giltrow et al
12 pages @ $0.12/page